Taking the First Personal Injury Settlement Offer
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Were you injured and offered a settlement amount? Learn if you should be taking the first personal injury settlement offer in Florida in this video.
Should I Take the First Settlement Offer from the Insurance Company after a Personal Injury?
In Florida, insurance companies will make an initial offer generally early on in the process. More times than not, it is not advisable to take their initial offer. Insurance companies work to try to turn files over, which means get it off their desk and get you candidly out of their hair. What we do at Goldstein Buckley Cechman, Rice & Purtz is we put together comprehensive damages packets that we will send out to insurance companies at the right time. Timing is important because those first offers generally are not the best offers. We work hard to put together that information, give the insurance company all they need to evaluate your case, and the vast, vast majority of the time, we see offers increase as we continue to work through your case putting together the accident, your injuries, the damages, and how those have affected you. Holding out a little longer while time can obviously be a factor more times than not is generally in your best interest and we will be with you the full view of the way to get you to a point where you get to decide what justice is for you and what we should do with offers from the insurance company.
{"@context": https://schema.org,"@type": "FAQPage","mainEntity": [{"@type": "Question","name": " Should I Take the First Settlement Offer from the Insurance Company after a Personal Injury? ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Talking to insurance companies shortly after incidents or accidents in Florida can be detrimental to your case. If your insurance company gets involved and asks for a statement or for some documentation, it is generally your obligation and your duty pursuant to the contract of insurance that you signed to work with your insurance company. When the insurance company for the offending party, the driver that ran into the back of you at the stop sign or the establishment that left water on the floor for hours that you ultimately slipped in, if those are the type of folks that are contacting you early on in the case, it is not advisable to speak with them or give them any sort of recorded statement unless and until you obtain quality and competent legal representation that can walk you through those things and not only walk you through them but be present with you when that’s occurring.
Insurance companies use those statements against you more times than they use them to help you. You need to make sure you’re well protected and have the right information to be able to present them at the appropriate time. At Goldstein Buckley Cechman, Rice & Purtz, we like to get involved early with you and like to work all communications through insurance companies through us to take the burden off of you as you are worrying about healing and getting better as a result of these injuries that you’ve suffered. It’s important to have an attorney that approached things that way and tries to make the process easy and simple for you but also is working to protect your interests. We would welcome a phone call at any point in time to work through that process with you. "}},}]}
Have you suffered a serious injury at the hands of someone who has been careless or negligent and have questions about if you should be taking the first personal injury settlement offer? Contact our experienced Southwest Florida personal injury lawyers today for a free consultation and case evaluation.
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