The Importance of Letting an Attorney Speak to the Insurance Company After a Car Crash

In the aftermath of a car accident, dealing with insurance companies can be overwhelming and intimidating. Many people believe they can handle these conversations on their own, but there are significant advantages to having an experienced attorney communicate with the insurance company on your behalf.

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Understanding the Insurance Game

Insurance companies are businesses focused on minimizing payouts. Their primary goal is to settle claims for as little money as possible, often at the expense of accident victims who may not know their rights or the true value of their claims. Adjusters are trained to use various tactics to achieve this, including offering quick settlements that may not cover the full extent of damages incurred.

Protecting Your Rights

When you have an attorney representing you, the dynamic changes. Attorneys are familiar with the tactics used by insurance companies and are trained to negotiate effectively. They understand the intricacies of personal injury law and can accurately assess the value of your claim based on factors such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future rehabilitation costs.

Building a Strong Case

One of the key reasons to let an attorney speak to the insurance company is so that your case is presented in the strongest possible manner. Attorneys know what evidence is needed to support your claim and can gather medical records, police reports, witness statements, and other crucial documentation. This comprehensive approach strengthens your position and increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Navigating Legal Complexities

Legal procedures and deadlines can be complex and vary depending on the jurisdiction and type of accident. An attorney understands these nuances and can navigate the legal system on your behalf. This includes filing necessary paperwork, adhering to statutes of limitations, so that all legal requirements are met throughout the claims process.

Achieving Fair Compensation

Ultimately, the goal of allowing an attorney to handle communications with the insurance company is to maximize your compensation. Attorneys are experienced at calculating damages and advocating for a settlement that reflects the true costs and impacts of the accident. They can engage in negotiations or, if necessary, pursue litigation to secure a fair resolution.

Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz, P.A. offers four attorneys who are board certified by the Florida bar in civil trial law, business litigation and construction law, as well as attorneys who are certified in civil trial advocacy by the National Board of Trial Advocacy.

Peace of Mind

Facing the aftermath of a car accident is stressful enough without having to navigate complex legal and insurance matters alone. By entrusting these responsibilities to a qualified attorney, you gain peace of mind knowing that your case is in capable hands. This allows you to focus on your recovery and rebuilding your life after the accident.

The Importance of Legal Guidance

When facing the aftermath of a car accident, many individuals underestimate the complexities involved in dealing with insurance companies. It’s easy to feel pressured or rushed into accepting a quick settlement offer, especially when medical bills are mounting and income is lost due to injuries. However, making decisions without legal guidance can have long-term consequences, potentially resulting in inadequate compensation that fails to cover future medical treatments, rehabilitation, or lost earning capacity.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Insurance adjusters may use statements made by accident victims against them to reduce or deny claims. Even seemingly innocent remarks can be misconstrued or used out of context to undermine the severity of injuries or liability. An attorney acts as a buffer, handling all communications with the insurance company to protect your rights.

Leveraging Legal Experience

Each case is unique, and the circumstances surrounding a car accident can vary widely. An experienced attorney brings a wealth of legal knowledge and experience to your case, identifying all potential sources of compensation and exploring avenues that you may not have considered. This includes evaluating whether additional parties, such as manufacturers or municipalities, may share liability for the accident.

“Excellent experience!”

Excellent experience with very good results, I am very happy and satisfied with the Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz law firm I, especially Mr. Christopher Smith who at all times during the process of my case was very honest, correct and efficient. I highly recommend this firm and this attorney because they really made a big difference to the results in my case.

Sergio-Leydi C.


Attorney Purtz and the entire staff have been wonderful. They went above and beyond. Highly recommended!

Burton P.

“This law firm is awesome!”

This law firm is awesome. They were very thorough and attention to detail. If you have any issues that need quick results this is the one. Please always think of them for all your lawyer needs.

John W.

“Accident Case”

Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice and Purtz, PA was the only law firm who would take our car accident case. Andrea Pleimling Smith was very thorough, explained everything in a very detailed fashion, and was easy to reach when questions arose. She kept us informed every step of the way. Without her, we would have suffered a severe financial loss due to an accident which was not our fault. Florida’s No Fault law is terrible and very unfair. Andrea and her team were very helpful in recouping all of the money we were required to spend!

Karen and David B.

“Thank you again for everything”

Thank you again for everything you did for me. Your compassion and concern was greatly appreciated. I have all the faith in the world with you by my side. If ever I know someone who needs an attorney, I will recommend your office. Everyone I had dealings with was very professional. Good job.

Terri D.

“Great Service”

We have used Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz in the past and presently and they always provide great customer service. They are very knowledgeable and thorough in their representation and always go the extra mile to make sure we’re represented fairly. Highly recommend!

Nick A.

Negotiating a Fair Settlement

Insurance companies often aim to settle claims quickly and for as little money as possible. They may pressure accident victims into accepting lowball offers before the full extent of injuries and damages are known. Attorneys understand the tactics used by insurance adjusters and can counteroffer with a comprehensive assessment of your losses and the impact on your life.

Handling Complex Insurance Policies

Understanding insurance policies can be challenging, especially when trying to interpret coverage limits, exclusions, and provisions that may affect your claim. Attorneys have experience deciphering insurance contracts and can navigate the fine print to determine the extent of coverage available to you. This means that all potential avenues for compensation are explored and pursued.

Preparing for Litigation if Necessary

While many personal injury cases are resolved through negotiation, some disputes may require litigation to achieve a fair outcome. Attorneys prepare each case as if it will go to trial, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and consulting with specialists to build a compelling argument for maximum compensation. This proactive approach demonstrates to insurance companies that you are prepared to fight for your rights in court if a fair settlement cannot be reached.

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Adhering to Legal Deadlines

In legal matters, timing is critical. Failing to adhere to deadlines or missing important filing requirements can jeopardize your ability to recover compensation. Attorneys are familiar with the procedural rules and statutes of limitations applicable to personal injury cases in your jurisdiction. They help make sure that all paperwork is filed correctly and submitted on time, preserving your right to pursue a claim.

Providing Support Throughout the Process

Beyond legal experience, attorneys offer invaluable support and guidance during a challenging time. They serve as advocates for your best interests, providing clarity on the legal process, answering your questions, and addressing concerns promptly. This support helps alleviate stress and allows you to focus on your recovery and well-being.

Access to Resources and Networks

Established law firms like Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz, P.A. have access to extensive resources and professional networks that can strengthen your case. From medical professionals who can provide testimony to accident reconstruction specialists who can analyze the scene of the accident, attorneys leverage these resources to build a robust claim on your behalf.

Upholding Your Rights

Above all, allowing an attorney to handle communications with the insurance company reinforces your rights as an accident victim. It sends a clear message that you are serious about pursuing fair compensation for your injuries and losses. With legal representation, you level the playing field and empower yourself to navigate the complexities of the claims process with confidence.


























Navigating the aftermath of a car accident requires careful consideration of legal and financial implications. By entrusting your case to the experienced attorneys at Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz, P.A., you gain an advocate who is committed to protecting your rights and pursuing the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward securing your future after a car crash. 

Let us handle the complexities of dealing with insurance companies, so that you can focus on healing and moving forward with your life.