As part of ongoing support of Mothers Against Drunk Driving and DUI prevention, Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz was honored to provide the briefing dinner for #SaturationSaturday Aug. 24, an event organized by MADD Southwest Florida that included the Cape Coral Police Department, Lee County Sheriff’s Office, Florida Highway Patrol, Fort Myers Police Department and the Sanibel Police Department.
The operation was a saturation patrol, focusing on identifying and taking impaired drivers off the road as well as targeting areas with traffic issues that cause crashes.
#SaturationSaturday on Aug. 24 resulted in statewide DUI prevention activities by more than 60 law enforcement agencies. Launched by MADD, the first Saturation Saturday was held in Missouri in 2016 as a night of increased law enforcement patrols and sobriety checkpoints designed to reduce incidents of drunk or drugged driving. It coincides with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, which runs from Aug. 14 through Sept. 2.
One of the cornerstones of MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving is increased, high-visibility law enforcement to both catch drunk drivers and to deter others by sending a strong message that if you drive drunk, you will get caught.
In addition to supporting sobriety checkpoints throughout the year, the firm is presenting sponsor for Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s Walk Like MADD 5K walk and run that raises money to ensure no one in our community suffers from the impacts of impaired drivers.
Walk like MADD will be at JetBlue Park at Fenway South Sept. 28. CLICK HERE for information or to sign up to participate.